by Bradford
(Twin Cities, MN)
Hello I normally don't ask alot of questions regarding my turtles but I am starting to get worried about one of them. I have had my ornate since 1979 and he is normally pretty frisky but I have noticed his beak has started falling apart. The upper beak has a portion of one of the sides break off and the tip of the lower beak has fallen off. Now I have never had this issue before I got his beak trimmed 5 years ago (his upper beak was extremely grown out and he was having issues eating). I have another appointment for him to get his beak trimmed (this time to even it out so he can eat). Not sure what is going on, I did some searches online but could not find any info on this. Does anyone know what may be going on? I add Flukers Liquid Vitamin to their food and water and usually give them lettuce (Romain)3 times a week and either mealworms or cat/dog food once a week for the last 30+ years. Since this is recent I'm not sure what may be doing this.