Can three tortoises live together?

by Jimmy

I currently have two baby star tortoise about 2.5inch.

My friend want to sell me his radiated tortoise which is about 3inch.
Can they live together? Since 3 of them are still small, I am wondering if I can start all of them together at a young age so they will get use to each other as they grow older.

I am willing to bring them to a vet fo checkup but I am just worrying about the agression.
Star tortoise are known for their friendly personality. How about radiated?

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Mar 13, 2010
Different Tortoises
by: Emily

Unfortunately, it is never a good idea to house different breeds of tortoise in the same area together. There is the agression factor as you are already aware of, but also that different types of tortoise are more susceptible to ailments and illnesses than others, and they might pass infections easily to each other. Most literature says you shouldn't mix breeds, so generally would think it's a bad idea... sorry :-(

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