Dog Attack

by Meggan
(Laramie, Wyoming, USA)

My dog attacked my turtle on monday and we took him to the vet. He has about an inch around circle of shell missing on the bottom and various small puncture wounds. The vet said he should be fine since he is young as long as we keepm flies out and give him the anibiotics and painreliever but he won't eat anything, including the medicine and all he wants to do is bury himself and sleep. I'm really worried. I don't want him to die. I've only had him since January.

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Jul 28, 2010
Dog Attack
by: Susan

I am so sorry to hear about this. I have a turtle only and is kept in aquarium, but if i was you, I would find out from Vet what the side affects of the antibiotics are? do they increase sleep and in turn decrease appetite, and if so, maybe you could get a different antibiotic one that will help heal and minimize the pain, but will not decrease his appetite, or even find out if there is something that will stimulate his appetite, while healing. He cannot go very long without eating... I would ask the vet? I don't know if this helps, but I would take as much actions as possible...maybe a tortoise rescue mission in your area..a pet shop etc...but antibiotics usually have side i would start there..I wish you all the best, and I hope this helps a little, sincerely, Susan.

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