My golden retriever loves to chew on things and tends to pick up our tortoise and carry him around and I am scared she will start chewing on him, is there anything to prevent this ?
PS: the tortoise is about as big as 3/4 of a tissue box
Tortoises don't like being picked up at the best of times, so to be picked up by another animal will be putting your tortoise under alot of stress. Please keep your dogs away from your tortoise. If he/she isn't mulled by your dog then there's still a chance he could end up with a cracked shell if your dog ever accidently drops him/her. Even with supervision, a dog has natural instincts and a pet tortoise shouldn't be encouraged for your dog to use like a chew toy.
Please, please, PLEASE do not let your dog near the tortoise We really don't want to end up with a dead tortoise.
Jan 09, 2015
helper by: turtle man
Make a spot were your turtle can keep shelter where the dog wont be able to reach it. I had the same problem and fixed it that way.
Jul 19, 2011
want dog to "get along" with the tortoise by: Anonymous
but is there anything to example : make the tortoise smell bad to were off the dog eg: a certain pheromone to prevent this as i want the tortoise to "get along" with the dogs.
Jul 16, 2011
Dogs and Tortoises by: Shelly
Keep these animals separated. If you don't, one day, your tortoise will be dead.