Dry eye in Indian Star Tortoises

by cheryl martin
(Ashford, kent, england)

My baby indian stars have stopped eating and have started losing weight. They don't appear to be able to open their eyes. Can you help by telling me the best course of action?

Many thanks


Comments for Dry eye in Indian Star Tortoises

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Dec 26, 2009
Sick Tortoise With Eye Problem
by: Shelly

An eye problem would always be an indication of the need for a vet.

The Indian star tortoise is a tropical tortoise and MUST have UVB light. They do best outside. England in winter is not a good time to be outside, so you have to compensate with a UVB light during daylight hours.

But do see a vet as soon as possible to have everything checked out.

Keep it slow and steady.

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