Gender Bender

by Milly
(Surrey, UK)

My name is Milly, but it should be Billy because I'm a fella - I mean, when have I ever carried a handbag? I was bought for a mere two shillings in Cardiff Market about 50 years ago. My most embarrassing moment was when I appeared on TV-am's "Wincey's Pets" in the mid-1980's and my true gender was established during a live broadcast.

Here are seven other facts about me:-

1. My home is in Surrey, UK.

2. My hobbies include talking on my shell-phone; attacking shoes and eating buttercup burgers.

3. My favourite movie is "Achilles and the Tortoise".

4. My fave music includes: "I'm a Boy" by The Who; "Eat Your Greens" by Lloyd Cole; "Call any Vegetable" by Frank Zappa and "Salad Days" by Procol Harem.

5. My favourite books: "And the Good Brown Earth" by Kathy Henderson and any book by the wonderful Tony Husband - the tortoise cartoonist.

6. I've appeared twice on TV in the UK.

7. I have my own Youtube website: (Copy and paste this into your browser, or just watch the video below.)

Here's a video of me eating buttercups. Yum! Yum!

Comments for Gender Bender

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Jun 28, 2011
I'm becoming a butterball....
by: Milly

You're welcome to share my buttercups at any time, Shelly, but fear you may live quite a distance from me. Word of warning: buttercups can be a bit fattening and I'm currently in need of a bigger shell. Thank goodness the buttercup season has ended!

Jun 28, 2011
by: Shelly

Hi Milly/Billy,

I like the look of those buttercups! I would like to eat some myself. Maybe I will come to visit you and eat some with you. Or you could come to visit me and eat dandy lions. They are yummy, too!

Keep it slow and steady.

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