Injured box turtle Lawrenceville, GA

My husband picked up a box turtle that had been hit by a car.It's shell is cracked in 2 places,however, it is able to move around. Does anyone know of some place that could treat this injury?

Comments for Injured box turtle Lawrenceville, GA

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Oct 24, 2019
Help in Atlanta for injured Turtles or other Wildlife
by: Anonymous

For future reference: anyone in the city of Atlanta or surrounding areas, the Chattahoochee Nature Center has a wildlife clinic in Roswell at 9135 Willeo Rd. Roswell, Ga. 30075
770-992-2055 x239
They treat wild injured turtles and tortoises, as well as, other native wild life, birds, etc. They are open weekdays and weekends.
If a turtle or tortoise you should make note of exactly where you found it and let them know so they can return it when it is well. Turtles and tortoises will not likely survive in the wild if not returned to the area where they originally hatched (their territory.) Turtles have a natural GPS sense and will try to get back to this area regardless of how far crossing dangerous roads, etc.
At this clinic you will surrender the animal to them. They do not charge you. (I try to leave a donation when I can to help their cause.)

From Shelly:

I am reposting this at

Jun 05, 2012
Shell Repair
by: Shelly

Be careful. If the cracks in the shell allow bacteria in, you could have a huge problem on your hands sealing them off. A vet can clean a wound well. I strongly recommend that you see a vet.

May 24, 2012
Easy shell fix
by: Anonymous

If the vet will not see wildlife, or wants to put him down, you can try to use a fiberglass kit and repair the damaged shell. We repaired the badly damaged shell of a female turtle and she went on to live a happy life. You can find more information on this type of repair online.Remember, turtles are very resilient however box turtles do have a 'homing' instict and will try to return to the place where you found them. If it is a safe place, it is best to rehab them and then take them home....good luck

Sep 15, 2010
Help for I injured box turtle
by: Lydia

I don't live in GA, but I just went on Google and found the Georgia Reptile and Amphibian Rescue Effort, Lawrenceville, GA
Hope you can save the poor turtle!

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