Injured tortoise / turtle

Rescused tortoise from my dogs who have cracked his shell underneath at the front. He is not bleeding much, but I have put some neosporin on the shell where it was broken on top, but did nothing to the shell underneath. Can I tape the bottom of his shell to help it grown back together?

Comments for Injured tortoise / turtle

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Aug 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

my tortoise has a small blemish on the back of his neck what can I do

Sep 18, 2012
cracked shell
by: sophia.violich

my 5 year old tortoise fell and cracked her bottom shell can you use neosporin to help her shell

Jul 25, 2010
Cracked Tortoise Shell
by: Shelly

The problem will be with any internal injuries and infection.

If the crack has opened the body to the air, you will want a vet to do an professional cleaning and possibly prescribe antibiotics. The vet will also tell you what else, if anything, you can do the tortoise.

Keep it slow and steady.

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