Ok, sent you a good web site, but there are many. now I did further investigation about Russian tortoises, and the short term answer is yes he is sick. Now I have a map turtle about 14 months, which is different, except for the following. your tortoise needs the heat, UVA 90 to 95 F for basking during daytime and also a cool area as well, as they don't want to over heat, has to have balance, so a place in pen when don't want the high temp. High Humidity, damp substrate and cool temps., make a tortoise very sick, with respiratory problems and shell rot, so warmth will encourage him to eat, and the UVB light will help metabolize his food, (UVB bulb of 10.0) their has to be a balance.. In the wild they live in arid conditions, and cope with humidity of 70F by digging long burrows.. I hope this gives you some ideas and helpful information, sincerely, Susan.
Jul 21, 2010
my Russian tortoise sick? by: Susan
I thought the best way to answer you is to direct you to this wonderful site I found, I hope this helps....I think it will.... Sincerely, Susan.