Musk Turtle - puffy flesh, refusing to eat and very inactive

by Ana

Hi, my year old musk turtle has been refusing to eat for about a month now. It started when he with my parents, whilst I was on holiday. we checked the water and it was cold, so I bought him back home and put him near a radiator - he has a basking area, a filter and lots of hidey holes. But hes still refusing to eat and is just inactive in general. And today we noticed his become really puffy and we just dont know what to do.

Any help?

Comments for Musk Turtle - puffy flesh, refusing to eat and very inactive

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Jan 28, 2011
proper set up
by: Anonymous

by the sounds of things you dont have his set-up right. For starters you need a water heater/thermostat not putting him near a radiator. He/she needs a proper D3/UV light in there aswell. This could of been the start of his inactive refusing to eat attitude but by the sounds of things now something more serious is going on with the puffiness and to be honest I wouldnt like to suggest what that could be, my advice would be change his setup and get him to a vets. Good luck

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