My tortoise keeps mounting the other one

Hello, found your web site , I,ve two tortoise in a viv for four years no problems both rescued they always been kept in a viv until recently the bigger tortoise keep mounting the little one, is it time to separate them?

I don,t know what sex they are and I only know that the big one is a horse field,

Many thanks

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Mar 26, 2012
Help x
by: Tiff x

Hey, I have 2 spur thighed tortoises and one is constantly mounting the other one and he bangs her shell a lot a bit like head buttin, is it best to separate them? I feel terrible for the one bein mounted as she tries it run away :-( x

Dec 07, 2010
Separating tortoises
by: John

Tortoises reach sexual maturity when get to a specific size, not age. The one doing the mounting is definatley a male. As long as the big one isn't so big that he'll hurt the litte one( like brake it's legs) I wouldn't worry about separating them. They will work it out. I have four sulcatas, 5lb to 60lb

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