Painter Turtle illness

by Jessica Fouliard
(Oconomowoc, WI)

Hi, I have two painter turtles, but one seems to have problems. My one turtle has puffy white stuff around her eyes. She had this problem once before so we took her to the vet and they gave us eye drops. We gave them to her everyday and it went it's been a couple months and it's coming back again. Is there something besides just the eye drops that will help with this problem? Also she recently developed a sore on her right front leg..I think she bit at it because it's bloody..she's not bleeding out but you can tell she was bleeding. I don't know what I could use so that it won't get infected. The other turtle we have is just fine so I don't think the problem is from the tank..they have a big tank..a nice heat lamp they like to sun under and a big filter that runs constantly. Please help I want my turtle to get better!! thanks!

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Jun 22, 2010
Painter Turtle illness
by: SusanWhy is my turtle not eating?

Hi, well, from what you have described it is either diet related or water, or could be both... Is your turtle getting enough lettuce ie romaine lots of calcium, vit A etc in romaine, and they can have it every day, as well as a good pellet, now I still feed mine daily, 2-4 small pellets in morning, and same at end of the day, and I hand feed, and there is no chance at guessing, and he gets mostly romaine lettuce and a slice of English cucumber as he loves to eat it and chase around the tank for fun (and exercise)..and once in while fruit, apple slice, etc. but not too often...and I add extra calcium by shaving a cuddle bone in water, and I use the fortified drops with water changes, and i chance a container every day, and once a week i vac him out, about a bucket full, I try my best to keep water very clean and I have a good canister pump. I hope this helps shed some light on the problem. When you went to the vet, what did he tell you? sincerely, Susan.

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