Please help Found a tortoise/turtle/terrapin

What is this?

What is this?


My partner found a tortoise/turtle/terrapin after nearly running it over. I have put it in a tank with a bowl of water and some veg and salad after being told it was a tortoise but from searching on the internet im totally unsure what it is.. I havent seen it eat any food but it has stayed in the water bowl a long time and obviously if its a turtle or terrapin it needs more water and dif food .. I have taken a picture and would really appreciate if someone has any ideas on what it is..Many Thanks in advance..

Comments for Please help Found a tortoise/turtle/terrapin

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Feb 27, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thats a map turtle (or razorback turtle) they need heated water, filtration, uv lights, heat lamps and eat shrimp/locusts etc. If you plan on keeping him/her (looks like a her from the pic) then u need to do some research in to how to look after them as their is quite a bit involved. All the best

Feb 26, 2011
by: Anonymous

It looks like a Turtle to me, see if it has webbing on its feet. Put it in a warm basin of water, and see if he will swim. A Tortoise cannot swim. Watch carefully and if its a Turtle it needs water to swim in and to eat. They only eat well if the food is put into the water.

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