i bought a 2 week old hermann's tortoise at a reptile show this past week and his poop has red in it. is that normal? i owned a box turtle before but never one so young...
thats what i was scared of. i will call tomorrow to set an appointment or just go in since this is serious. hes been sleeping a lot but i account that to being two weeks old.
Apr 19, 2011
Red Stool by: Anonymous
OK, if it's not the food, you are probably seeing blood. I would get this animal to a vet asap. It's generally a good thing to do in any case when you get a new pet. Take a stool sample with you if you can.
I'd be interested to hear what your vet says, so I hope you'll post back here.
Apr 19, 2011
no by: Anonymous
No he hasn't. He eats nothing but dandalions and clover so far.