by Helen Spurr
(Barry, S.E. Wales)
My mum has had this tortoise since 1973 and it has stayed the same size. This year he's not eating anything by himself. He will only eat fresh pears or strawberries if my mum hand feeds him. He has always been a good eater up until last year. He didn't eat much last year and my mum was afraid that he wouldn't survive the winter. He is perky in himself. My mum is very worried about him and she is spending about an hour and a half three and four times a day just hand feeding him. The local vet that used to see to him left awhile ago and there is no one at the surgery now that knows anything about them. It is also difficult for my mum to look further afield as she hasn't got any transport and I live 120 miles away. Please tell me is there anything she can do for him? Thank you in advance for your advice.
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