turtle food

by shreelesh

i bought a star tortoise 5 days back. my problem is that he is not having food since i've bought him. i have kept him in my house. he romes in the whole house but he dont have food. i give him carrots, spinach, grasses and various green vegetables.

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Oct 07, 2009
Tortoise vs Turtle Food
by: Shelly

Although it is fun to watch a turtle eat, a turtle is not a tortoise and an Indian Star tortoise will not eat a cricket.

Keep it slow and steady.

Oct 07, 2009
by: My turtle eating a cricket

Hey this is a very interesting video! My turtle eating a cricket

Feb 23, 2009
Indian Star Tortsoise Diet
by: Anonymous

Your Indian Star Tortoise will want to eat wild grasses and cactus pads. It will also need calcium. You can sprinkle calcium on its food.

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