Wants to foster or adopt large tortoise

by Mike novak
(Cincinnati ohio)

I have 2 very large snapping turtles 1 baby, also have a redfoot. I have Been raising turtles 30 some years. I want to add a new large tortoise. I was going to buy 1 but i found that there is many tortoise looking for their for ever home. We have the home, now we need a tortoise who needs a home.
yahoo.com make sure to add what the email is about in title. . Please help me help a tortoise. Mike.

Comments for Wants to foster or adopt large tortoise

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Dec 17, 2018
by: Stephen

What’s the size of the red foot and price

Oct 27, 2017
huge snapper in danger
by: Anonymous

My husband works at chastain park amplitheater that has pond behind it that has huge snappin turtle. They are demoing ampltheater this fall and winter. I wish it had a better home...i worry about his safty. Any thoughts

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