Sorry I couldn't help. A picture might have helped, but I know you don't always have a camera with you when you are out and about.
I just tried a google image search of mallorca +tortoise. I got over 25,000 matches. Then I tried tortoise +mallorca and got it down to 18,000. But every tortoise I saw was a Hermann's. I didn't look at all the photos, only about 5 pages worth, but if you are really interested and have oodles of time...
Apr 04, 2010
not the hermans by: jeanette
thank you but not the hermans as we have many of them in the garden.
Apr 04, 2010
Hermann's Tortoise by: Shelly
The Hermann's Tortoise is indigenous to the area and has yellow spots on its legs. Do a Google image search for "Hermann's Tortoise" to see if it looks like the one you saw.