Why does my 8 month female horsfield tort keep hissing

by Brionni
(Coppull England)

Why does my tort hiss this is the first time shes ever done it wright shes done it twice im really worried.


Comments for Why does my 8 month female horsfield tort keep hissing

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Jan 08, 2010
by: Brionni

yeah im gonna take her to the vets shes her normal self but you no her droppings arent the same i was feeding her romaine lettuce which has quite a bit of water in it so i'll swich to cabbage for a while so she can recover see ya

Jan 07, 2010
Vet Visit?
by: Emily

Hi Brionni! It may just be something she's eaten, obviously i am NOT an expert, but i would get her to the vets for a check over. Try and take a stool sample with you, as that is what they will need to assess Holly! (don't know how easy that will be!)

We both wish her well, let me know how she recovers! em x

Jan 07, 2010
by: brionni

yeah well its droppings but not white kinda like diariough AND BROWN

Jan 06, 2010
Runny stuff
by: Emily

Hi!! When u say stuff ur talking about his actual droppings? It's not the White gloop is it? Em x

Jan 06, 2010
by: brionni

yeah she does just the same shes also having problems with her stuff... its very runny.

Jan 04, 2010
8 months
by: Emily

Hiya! Sounds cute! Hope u both had a great Christmas! I would say by that, Cassius may be around the same age! He's trying to climb out constantly, everyday getting a little stronger! Lol x

Jan 03, 2010
Hi Emily

Mine is about the size of a satsuma and shes called holly because I got her on christmas day!

Jan 03, 2010
by: Brionni

Thanks both of you that really has helped me.

Dec 29, 2009
by: Emily

Hi! I did a little research as I was worried about mine (Cassius!) and I found out that when they pull themselves into their shell, either when they're scared or startled, there isn't room for as much air in their lungs so the soft hiss is an expulsion of air. As long as it's not gurgly there are no signs of ill health! Hope this helps! How big is yours? I bought Cassius as a juvenile but no idea how old he actually is!

Dec 29, 2009
by: Anonymous

Hissing is just a tortoise's way of telling you to leave her alone when she's feeling a bit grumpy. Mine hisses at me every time I pull her out of her haystack when she's trying to sleep. It's nothing to worry about.

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